When talking to patients about the various dental treatments available to them, the field that tends to get patients most fired up is cosmetic dentistry. It’s easy to see why—the prospect of being able to beautify your smile is an appealing one.
However, before you invest in cosmetic dentistry, it’s important to make sure that your oral health is in good condition. Here’s why that is and what you can do to ensure that cosmetic dentistry is possible for you.
Why is Good Oral Health Necessary?
You can think of cosmetic dentistry a little bit like the decorations on a beautiful building. They can do a lot to improve appearance, but without a sturdy foundation you have much bigger problems. Veneers, for example, are layered onto your existing teeth and depend on them for stability. If your gums are swollen it can impair the fit of these veneers, and if you have cavities they could potentially come completely loose.
This is just one treatment, but the basic principle here applies to all of cosmetic dentistry; having underlying oral health problems increases your risk for complications, and often nullifies the benefits of the treatment.
Can I Get Cosmetic Dentistry if I have Dental Problems?
That said, you don’t necessarily have to count yourself out completely just because you have a few cavities. You’ll find that most dentists offering cosmetic treatment will be able to help you with this problem as well.
If you have a cosmetic treatment you’re set on, most dentists would be happy to talk to you a little bit about what kinds of restorative procedures would be necessary to make it possible for you. You may need gum disease treatment before getting veneers, or fillings before you invest in tooth whitening. It can take a little time, but at the end of the process you’ll have a healthy and beautiful smile!
How to Keep Your Smile Cosmetic-Ready
Of course, the easiest thing to do is just to ensure that you never develop oral health problems in the first place. If you think you might be interested in cosmetic dentistry in the future, be sure to keep up with your dental hygiene and visit them regularly for preventive care.
About the Author
Dr. Katherine Whitaker is a dentist who believes in treating people like people, not names and numbers. She takes the time to get to know each of her patients, their individual needs, and to fully understand what it is that she could do to help them. Dr. Whitaker received her dental degree from the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry and is a member of both the American Dental Association and the Kentucky Dental Association.
If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (606) 523-1415.